Young drivers are susceptible to many obstacles during the Drive Test Vic. During the practical test, most of them fail to realise that there is nothing to feel ashamed of not passing in the first attempt. There are many positives behind failing a driving test.
Though it is disappointing at times, yet come get to know about the loopholes that are compelling you to lag behind. You can stay more determined and practice for passing in the next round.
Proper training from Driving school Melbourne trainers are mandatory for qualifying all rounds.
People can go ahead in the test with much confidence henceforth and crack it. All you need is concentration, focus, and practice.
In this article, you will come to know about
Top reasons responsible for the failure of a driving test Victoria.
Due to ‘immediate termination errors’.
No Proper Driving lessons nor preparations
Nervous & Bad Habits
Junction-based Observation (11.9% of candidates fail)
Control over the Steering (4.7% candidates Fail)
Mirrors (8.2% of candidates fail)
Failure to do Head Check
Speed distortions (5.1% of candidates Fail)
Incorrect and inappropriate positioning (4.2% of candidates fail)
Improper use of signals(4.1 % of candidates fail)
Safe movements( 4.2 % of candidates fail)
Due to ‘immediate termination errors’:
These include colliding with another vehicle or failing to give way, signal or check for other road users, exceeding the speed limit (there are multiple variations for this error), driving through a stop sign or red traffic light, and more.
Junction-based Observation (11.9% of candidates fail)
Every year there are plenty of cases where the aspirants fail to notice what is obstructing their way. This is a major reason behind the accident. Drivers start pulling out from the junctions without taking a keen observation. It’s mandatory never to skip observing what’s coming on your way. Before making a movement, one should always analyse properly what’s going on around before going ahead. The candidates who fail to notice cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians on their way unusually face a huge misfortune.
Control over the Steering (4.7% candidates Fail)
The modern cars come with power steering. So, you don’t have to sit and keep thinking about how to stay on the right course. But, it is essential to keep a grip on the steering wheel firmly. In actuality, most people fail to keep it in control. They cross the hands and tend to fail from maintaining full control. One must never remove both the hands from the steering wheel at the same time. But, young drivers usually tend to remove both the hands that compel the examiner to disqualify the candidate from the driving test. In a driving test, you must always keep in mind to retain control over the steering wheel.
Reversing around the corner (4.3% candidates Fail)
This is one of the toughest jobs while driving. The young drivers are usually afraid while the driving test goes on because they know that no other road user is going to tolerate the wrong turning they make at the corners. The driver must keep track of even the milestones around the roads. Turning at the corners become very tedious because the driver has to continuously maintain distance to avoid getting knocked down. Loads of practice and continuous analysis of what’s going on in every direction only gives a successful attempt. But in reality, most candidates fail to realise how to make a right turning in the first attempt.
Mirrors (8.2% of candidates fail)
The driving test makes it mandatory about proving that you are a safe driver. So, it is necessary for you to keep looking at the things that are going around you. You have to compulsorily monitor all your three mirrors for getting the all-round view. All the drivers rely on the mirror scanning constantly. But, when you are driving along, you must catch the attention of the examiner observing you that you are constantly making the check. So, every time you are accelerating the break, negotiating a hazard, changing direction, starting, stopping, or doing whatever, it’s mandatory to keep noticing the Mirrors.

Speed distortions (5.1% of candidates Fail)
There are thousands of constraint while you are driving, isn’t it? If you are driving slowly, you might fail. Again, if you are exceeding the limit, there are chances of failing. Most of the young drivers don’t know the secret of keeping the speed in limit and they tend to drive according to their thoughts. This tendency compels them to fail. When you are driving slower than the required speed, the examiner will assume that you are not confident enough. Again when you are speeding, the examiner will warn you about your rough driving. So, you must pay attention to the speedometer always that keeps recording the speed you are driving at. You must always keep it within limits to ensure a successful driving test.
Incorrect and inappropriate positioning (4.2% of candidates fail)
You should always position the vehicle in an appropriate pattern. Only when you mind the things around you, there are lesser chances of failure. You must keep the best view ahead. There are many road users who will observe your care when you are moving on the road. Whenever you are driving, there are chances of invading the space of other Road users. Cutting corners while turning right into the side road is one such instance. Sometimes it might happen that you fail to stick to the side of the road and hit something that is emerging from the side road. Also, sometimes there are chances that you are driving too close to the parked vehicles or cyclist. It leads to the improper positioning on the roundabouts. In this way, the learner drivers face difficulty in passing the driving test.
Improper use of signals(4.1 % of candidates fail)
It is mandatory for the driver to watch the mirror and make the movement correctly. But, the signal is something that drivers usually fail to take notice of. Failing to notice the signal is a major reason why you won’t get a certificate for the driving test. While driving, it’s essential to note that just taking notice of the signal frequently won’t serve you any purpose. You have to notice it at the right time. When you have executed the movement, you must not forget to cancel the indicator.
Whenever you are witnessing the instances of a probable danger approaching you, you must choose to go ahead with the safe movements. It will lessen the risk of putting you into someone else’s path. You have to ensure that you have good control over the clutch and signal. Most of the candidates every year fail due to the poor clutch control and failing to realise the signals. During a driving test, you must compulsorily remember to spot on everything every time you are going ahead.
Making a turning in the road(3.5% candidates fail)
It is a straightforward movement that you have to make. Still, there are many people who do not have good control over the clutch and awareness about what’s going on around. This circumstance leads to the failure of passing the driving test. While driving, the young candidates should always keep slow in taking the movements. At any circumstance, they shouldn’t bash into any kerb.
Reverse parking method( 3.7% of candidates fail)
Parallel parking is something that scares away new drivers. Still, some of them also don’t know how to do the reverse parking into the parking bay. This leads to failure in the driving test. Lack of proper observation in the case of Bay parking leads to failure. While you are in the situation of a Bay parking, you have to make sure that the space is clear and that the car moves smoothly into space for the parking.
Preparing to pass the test
Nervousness is normal before the driving test starts. To become familiar with the different aspects of the driving test, you must have around 45 hours of driving lessons and 22 hours of the private practice. It’s true that you cannot always get 100% of the time for driving. But, you must be qualified enough in paying attention to the things around you.
You must be always super prepared to avoid failure at all circumstances. You should never take the skills for granted. You must always try honing your skills to make the driving test a blissful moment. A failure in the driving test even after long sessions of practice will lower your confidence indeed. But at times, you have to keep up your spirits and start rigorously practising by checking the silly mistakes that you have committed in the last test.
Multiple tests related to driving isn’t ideal at all. But, it’s true that when you try for the second time, you will be much better prepared than the first one. You must remember that practice is very essential. 50% of the driver’s pass the practical test in the first round. You should start observing what is going on and take into consideration the instructions of the driving instructor carefully. When you take lessons from Driving School South East Melbourne, there are lesser chances of failing.
You must not lose vibe while you are in the preparation mode. Rather, it’s recommended to start preparing yourself from the basics. The maturity of the reasons for failing in the drive test is directly or indirectly related to the ineffectiveness of learning accuracy in maneuverability. You should always talk with the predefined Standards and then figure out where you are going wrong with the test.
Passing your Drive Test Victoria:
Having confidence in yourself and reducing mental pressure will also help to a great extent in passing Drive Test Vic. Rather than wasting your efforts in learning many new things, it’s worth focusing and practising the activities that require improvement. Your success is dependent upon the ability to use the skills in an effective way.