Drive Test Cranbourne

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If you live in Cranbourne, Australia, and you are looking to get your driving license, you need to head to the VicRoads in Cranbourne. VicRoads is a state government office that provides all the driving and vehicle licenses. You need to pass the driving test in Cranbourne to be able to drive your car in Australia.

The driving test will be conducted in two parts:

  • Pre-drive check
  • On-road driving

You need to pass both of these tests to get a driving license.

The on-road driving test is further divided into two stages.

The easiest way to pass the driving test is to enroll in a driving school in Cranbourne, acquire the skills, and appear for the test preparation.

Can I use my car?

 If you have a car, you can use your car for the driving test, but your vehicle has to meet certain conditions. All conditions that need to be met have been discussed below.

  • The speedometer in your car has to work properly. You have to make sure that the dials and numbers can be seen from the passenger seat.
  • There should be seatbelts available for both front and rear seats.
  • The inside of your car, should not feel too hot or humid; instead, it should be comfortable inside.
  • It is important that your car should have working headlights. If the headlights are broken, your car is not suitable.
  • The doors of your car should work fine.
  • If you have a manual driver license that you acquired before, your car should have a manual transmission; otherwise, the driving license will not be valid, and you will not be allowed to use the car for the driving test.
  • The interiors of the vehicle should be clean and neat. The car should be serviced regularly to keep it working for a long time.
  • Check if your car has L plates.
  • If your car has a foot-operated or electronic break system, it cannot be used for the driving test because the testing offices can operate the brakes if the need ever arises.
  • Your car needs to have a windscreen that is working and a rear window demister.
  • Mirrors fitted on both sides of the car.
  • Your car needs to be registered.

If your car does not fulfill these conditions, sadly, you will have to use the testing officer’s car because VicRoads does not offer cars for driving tests.

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Unsuitable cars


Here are a few things that make a car unsuitable for driving tests:

  • Primary producer vehicles cannot be used for the driving test.
  • Cars that are used to carry hazardous items.
  • If your car has Takata ‘alpha’ airbags, it cannot be used.
  • Security vehicles that are heavily armored.
  • Vehicles that have street rod permit or club permit.
  • If your car is not registered, it cannot be used for a driving test.
  • Cars having trade plates are not suitable.
  • Taxis and tow trucks are not allowed for driving tests. This is because these are vehicles that are to be driven by specific drivers with specific permits like Tow truck driver authority (CA) holder or a driver’s certificate (DA) holder.
  • Since you will be asked to reverse your car, if your car does not have a reverse car, it will not be possible for you to fulfill the task.
  • Some cars have dual controls. These are mostly heavy vehicles that are used to transport goods and other items. There are rights as well as for left-hand side controls. Drivers must use only the right-hand side controls.

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Pre-drive check


This takes place before the actual on-road driving test. In this driving test, you will be asked to identify certain controls and to operate them.

  1. Identify and operate 

  • Horn
  • Indicators
  • Headlights (both low and high beams)
  • Hazard lights
  • Windscreen washer and wipers
  • Brake lights
  1. Identify only

  • Handbrake
  • Rear window demister
  • Windscreen demister

Lastly, you will be asked to get the engine running.

In identify and operate category, if you will fail to identify and operate any one of the controls, the test will end right there. In identify only category, if you fail to identify one of the controls initially, the testing officer will show you the controls. Still, if you fail to identify it the second time, you will not be allowed to proceed to the next stage.

  1. If using your own car, make sure you get it serviced before appearing for the driving test. If anyone of the controls fails, you will not be able to complete the driving test.
  2. Even if you have your own car, it is best to get a car from a driving school.

During The Driving Test 


There are a few things that you need to be mindful of while driving on the streets of Australia. The testing officer will make sure to check that you know these driving tips to assess how good you are at driving. Here are some of the driving tips to impress the testing officer:

  • Signal use
  • Gap selection
  • Following distance
  • Stop position
  • Control
  • Parking
  • Observation
  • Speed choice
  • Lateral position

Following the tips mentioned above will help you to get a higher score on your driving test!

On-Road Driving – Stage One


Stage one of the on-road driving evaluation will only take 10 minutes. Within the 10 minutes, you will have to pay attention to every instruction of the testing officer. If you fail to understand him the first time, you can ask him to repeat, but if you fail to follow his instructions, you will fail the test.

The stage one on-road driving test is designed to evaluate your driving skills during less stressful and less challenging situations. The instructions will not be super-complicated, so do not worry. Here are some of the tasks that you might be required to do in stage one:

  • Left and right turns at intersections
  • Revving up the engine and stopping the car
  • Changing lanes
  • Reverse park/ three-point turn

Your testing officer will ask you to do any one of the low-speed maneuvers, either reverse or three-point turn.

  1. Practice three-point turn
  2. Practice reverse parking and parallel parking
  3. Do not drive above the speed limit. Check the speed limit of every road or lane. Drive below 10km/hr within the premise of the VicRoads office.
  4. Head check.
  5. Stop the car.

On-Stage Driving – Stage Two


The second stage of the driving test will conclude in just 20 minutes. During this test, you need to operate the controls and show your driving skills in heavy traffic. Failure to execute any one of the tasks provided by the testing officer will lead to the end of the test, and you will go back home without a driving license.

Here are some of the tasks that you will be asked to do in stage two:

  • Changing lanes
  • Merging with other traffic
  • Driving in heavy traffic
  • Driving on straight and curved roads

Head check

Check the speed limit of every lane

Some of the routes you will be taking is the

  • VicRoads Cranbourne area
  • The residential area speed limit is 30-40 km/hr. The area has lots of lanes, turnabouts, schools, and colleges.
  •  The speed limit here can range from 80-60 km/hr.

Drive Test Results


Feedback About Your Results


After the conclusion of the driving test, your testing officer will offer your feedback regarding your performance. Take this feedback very seriously as this can help you become better and drive safely. Feedbacks especially helpful for ones who are taking the driving test for the first time. Since first-time drivers have more chances of crashing, your testing officer may lend you some advice regarding that, make sure that you keep those tips in mind when you drive the next time. Your testing officer will tell you immediately after the end of the driving test, whether you have passed or failed the test.

In Case You Failed The Test


There are several reasons why you can fail a test. After the test concludes, think about what the testing officers had to say about your driving and the areas where you need more practice. Here are some of the reasons that may lead you to fail a driving test:

  • Failing to follow the instructions of the testing officer
  • Creating extremely dangerous situations for both yourself and the testing officer
  • Showing rebellious streaks in your personality

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Some Serious Errors During The Driving Test


The errors committed by examinees during the driving test are categorized under two broad categories:

  • Critical error
  • Immediate termination error

Let’s first take a look at what the critical error comprises.

The Critical error


These kinds of errors are errors that do not mean the end of your driving test. These are errors that are not that extreme where you can cause some severe damage or accident immediately, but is likely to cause in the future, if you do not rectify it. Here are some of the errors that are considered critical errors:

  • You do not stop your car entirely at a stop sign; instead, you keep the engine running while you slow your car down and keep it in the pause mode.
  • There are several occasions when you may need to drive faster if you drive incredibly slow despite the speed limit being 80 km/hr, your testing officer will have a grave face.
  • Stalling your car.
  • If you are risky, which may not result in an emergency now but may later?
  • If you do not wait for the pedestrian to cross the street and block him or her way while the other pedestrians go on their way unaffected.
  • When you are driving on the road, there are several signs and signals that you may need to use to avoid accidents and collisions. If you fail to use the signs or signals properly, you have just committed a critical error.
  • Mounting the curb is a big no-no. If you think to have one wheel over the curb is no big deal, IT IS.

Immediate Termination Error


This is an error that, if you commit, will immediately conclude the driving test, and you will end up going home without a driving license. These are grave errors that can put you and others’ lives at risk. Here are some of the errors that are considered as immediate termination error:

  • Going over the limit of 5km/hr when the speed limit says it to keep it low.
  • Going over the speed limit for more than five seconds.
  • Failure to signal or give certain road signs to other vehicles and pedestrians on the street which may lead to a near collision.
  • Ignoring the traffic signals and driving through despite the red signal.
  • Being impulsive and risking your life and others.
  • Stopping the car in a position that is not right.
  • Going over the speed limit in a school zone.
  • When you mount the curb.
  • Disobeying a Victoria Police officer.
  • Disobeying or dismissing your testing officer.

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If you keep in mind these errors and follow the tips mentioned here, it will be a piece of cake for you to pass your driving test. Make sure to enroll in a driving school to learn driving. You will need a car from the driving school as well to take the test. Enrolling will not only help you to learn driving but also get your car that is serviced periodically to keep it in pristine condition.